
Tunjukkan catatan dari Jun, 2024

Channel Ident

Channel Ident References 1: BBC One Channel Ident Ident is a general preview or summary in the form of a video display that you see between every television program you watch on the same channel. An Ident (Short for Identifier) ​​is clear and concise as a way for a Television production company/channel to remind you that you are watching their channel (One of BBC One's various Idents can be seen above. Channel Ident now exists on various platforms, especially on the YouTube channel where YouTube account owners mostly use Channel Ident to inform you about upcoming Shows / Television Programs that will appear on the selected channel within a few minutes or hours after Ident airing. A very simple concept when trying to understand that ident is a way to tell you about the channels you are watching. Some channels choose to visually show you upcoming shows. Either through text or a small percentage of the screen showing you a sneak peek of the upcoming show. But Idents are not only used