Banner Channel Design Process

My YouTube Banner Channel: Using Adobe Photoshop


Visual design is about creating and making the general aesthetic of a product consistent. To create the aesthetic style of a website or app, the use of appropriate design works with the basic elements of visual design, organizing them according to design principles. These elements and principles together form the building blocks of visual design, and a solid understanding of them is essential in creating the visual design of any product. Therefore it is important for me to first explore and understand the elements of visual design: lines, shapes, fonts, values, colors, and textures before starting the task of creating a banner design for a YouTube channel using Adobe Photoshop. What ensues is not just a design process but a journey of exploration and creativity, culminating in a result that reflects my style and the essence of my channel. Creating a captivating YouTube banner channel is crucial for drawing in viewers and representing my brand or content effectively. With Adobe Photoshop, i have a powerful tool that helps me craft visually stunning banners that reflect my style and personality. In this guide, I'll will walk you through the process step by step, incorporating elements of graphic design and computer animation on how I make my banner stand out.

Draft Plan for Banner Design

Step 1: Planning and Research

Before diving into Photoshop, I take some time to brainstorm and research. Look at other YouTube channels for inspiration. What elements do they include in their banners? What colors, fonts, and imagery are commonly used? Take notes and gather ideas to incorporate into my own design because every design project starts with a clear understanding of the brief. For my YouTube channel banner, I needed to encapsulate the theme and mood of my content while keeping it visually appealing. Researching successful YouTube banners and analyzing their elements gave me valuable insight into what worked and what didn't in terms of composition, color palette, and messaging. After doing some searching I came up with the idea to create a YouTube channel banner with a business entrepreneur theme because I plan to produce a design that looks professional and shows a sense of interest to viewers in my YouTube channel banner design.

Quote: According to Adobe's blog on graphic design principles, effective banners often use contrasting colors and bold typography to draw attention (Adobe, n.d.).

Adobe Photoshop App

Step 2: Setting Up Your Canvas

I start with open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document with the dimensions recommended for YouTube banners (typically 2560 pixels wide by 1440 pixels tall). This ensures my design banner will display correctly across different devices.

Design Process

Step 3: Designing Your Banner

Now with a solid understanding of the brief, I delved into the conceptualization phase. Sketching rough ideas helps me visualize different layouts and compositions. I want my banner to be dynamic but compact, with elements that reflect the variety of content on my channel such as the use of clear and matching colors and the use of appropriate fonts. Including quality graphic elements and symbols in terms of resolution as well as the use of color elements and images that can catch the eye of my audience is the key to creating harmony in my YouTube channel banner design. Branded YouTube banners and profile photos are essential to building a professional-level YouTube channel. Whether it's for your blog or consulting, through the analysis I've done some elements are needed to produce a good channel banner design. These include Logos and slogans, Brand colors and fonts, What you can offer, Calls to action, High-quality images and text, and also Any updates/announcements (Enina Bicaku, 2023).

Step 4: Adding Graphics and Images

In the process of designing a YouTube channel banner I started by choosing the right image to experiment with typography and color schemes, Photoshop provides the flexibility and precision needed to refine every aspect of a design. Layer masks, blending modes, and adjustment layers became my allies in achieving the desired aesthetic. To make my banner visually engaging, I incorporate graphics, logos, or images related to my channel's content. This includes logos, icons representing different types of content that I will produce, or illustrations that reflect my style. Be mindful of placement and spacing to maintain a balanced composition.

Step 5: Try and Errors Design

For an extra touch to make my design look good, I also try testing the design across different devices and screen sizes ensuring its adaptability and readability, guaranteeing a consistent user experience for all audiences. In the design of this YouTube channel banner, I use rectangles and triangles to produce shapes that give a special effect to my design. As for the use of colors, I use bright colors that are gradients of yellow and orange and dark colors that are dark blue and bright blue because these colors can mix well and give a clear effect.

Final Design Banner Channel

Step 6: Final Touches and Review

Once I am happy with my design, I take a step back and review it with fresh eyes. Check for any spelling errors, alignment issues, or inconsistencies in color or font usage. Consider asking for feedback from friends and lecturers, including their suggestions to further refine the banner so I can make any necessary adjustments before saving my banner. After several rounds of refining and fine-tuning, the banner for my YouTube channel is ready to go live. Bold graphics, bright colors, and a mix of shapes come together to create an engaging and visually appealing introduction to my content. It not only represents the essence of my channel but also serves as a testament to the creative possibilities offered by tools like Adobe Photoshop.

In conclusion, the journey of creating a YouTube channel banner is not just about visual design but about storytelling and connection. My experience of creating designs using Adobe Photoshop as a student who does not have a background in the field of Media does not make me give up and try my best to produce good designs. Creating a stunning YouTube banner channel using Adobe Photoshop is a rewarding process that allows me to showcase my creativity and personality to the world. By incorporating elements of graphic design and computer animation, I began to understand the principles of graphic design, and leveraging the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop, I was able to create banners that not only caught the eye but also conveyed my channel's personality and values.


Teo Yu Siang. (2016, December 15). The Key Elements & Principles of Visual Design. The Interaction Design Foundation; Interaction Design Foundation.

Enina Bicaku. (2023, September 7). 25 YouTube Banner Templates and Banner Ideas (+ Size Guide) | Looka. Looka; Looka.



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